There are thus 2 probabilities:
- the probability of complications or adverse effects (➘ noun of modalisation);
- the probability of increasing that probability (➘ Finite).
For nouns of modalisation, see Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 536).
See Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 574): 'risk doing', 'venture to do'.
In the first clause, the lexical choice of thrive adds a quality 'well' or 'vigorously' to the Process, and the circumstance on Glaxo answers the Manner: means interrogative 'what with?' (Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 318).
The second (reversible) clause identifies a happy baby with a happy mother; it does not construe a happy baby as member of the class a happy mother.*
The third clause assigns the membership of you to the class a happy mother.
* Cf. an attributive agnate which construes a mother as a member of the class happy: