Saturday 13 April 2024

Nominal Group Qualifiers?

Beatriz Quiroz asked on Sysfling on 12 Apr at 5:24:

How would you analyse the underlined element in the following English nominal groups:
The year 1920
My friend John
captain Ahab
his wife Sarah
The city of Rome
Would they all be Qualifiers?

Blogger Comments:

Just the first and last.

But, even in IFG4 (p391):
Other than this type [nominal group as Attribute], Epithets and Classifiers do not normally function as Head.

Thursday 22 February 2024

The Days Of Auld Lang Syne

Both units of the Qualifier realise the meaning 'in the past', with the second elaborating the first, and the relation is paratactic, because neither depends on the other:

The days of auld (old)
The days lang syne (long since/long ago)

However, on the model of Halliday (1994: 193):

 the logical structure is:

Monday 5 February 2024

From A Vast Cloud Of Gas And Dust

 For 'from'/'out of' as Manner: means, see Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 313).