Saturday 10 April 2021

'Autorise' & 'Permettre'

Cette démarche autorise l'agence à les rayer de ses listes.
This approach authorises the agency to delete them from its lists.

Pour permettre à ces demandeurs d'emploi seniors de subsister jusqu'à leur retraite, plusieurs types d'allocation sont prévus.
To enable these senior job seekers to survive until their retirement, several types of allowance are provided.

In English, these are the primary verbal groups of hypotactic enhancing causative (modulation) verbal group complexes. See Halliday & Matthiessen (2014: 580, 582-4).

In hypotactic verbal group complexes, it is the (last) secondary verbal group that realises the PROCESS TYPEHalliday & Matthiessen (2014: 568):
It is the secondary group, or last secondary group if there is more than one, that realises the process type of the clause, e.g. [material:] she seemed to mend it, [behavioural:] she seemed to laugh, [mental:] she seemed to like him, [verbal:] she seemed to tell us, [relational:] she seemed to be nice.
So, in these instances, both authorises to delete and enable to survive are material Processes. Although survive means 'continue to exist', unlike existential Processes, but like material Processes, it takes a Range participant, Scope, as in they survived the ordeal, and its unmarked present tense is the present in present, not the simple present.